Medical Companion
Streamlined patient care with AI-powered IVR and real-time transcription.
Intelligent appointment management and severity classification.
Sophisticated medical report generation using ICD10 codes and patient history.
Our Process:
- Patient calls our companion, providing basic details.
- AI-powered IVR collects information and generates transcription.
- Initial analysis classifies severity and processes appointments.
- Generate ICD10 codes and create comprehensive medical reports.
- Mail the Dr. the patient details, and ICD10 codes, prompt the Dr. to open our App, confirmation of the appointment.
- On appointment time, open the patient's medical report on Discharge Dialogue.
Empowering healthcare through cutting-edge AI technology.
Enhancing doctor-patient communication with real-time audio capabilities.
Revolutionizing medical report access and analysis.
Seamless integration with EHRs through FHIR-compatible data storage.
Developed by Soft Served Web